A sketch in time…
I assume that you all have at least one sketchbook and that you draw and paint in it every day. Yes? Good. It is so easy to worry about making a ‘work of art’ every time you get out a fresh sheet of paper (or canvas etc). Filling up gaps in a sketchbook lets you make drawings or paintings without the tyranny of having to make a finished picture. There are so many things around a house that are worth sketching from real life. Or you might like to try out new drawing and painting techniques. A sketchbook is for you to ‘muck about’ in without worrying how it turns out. If you see interesting colours or lighting sketch it! Someone is snoring in front of the tv. Sketch them!
Here is a special project for anyone who has been drawing a while: draw and paint skies in a sketchbook. You can do quick pencil or ink sketches like Constable’s below or quick watercolour sketches like Turner. Make notes on colours etc. Do at least one a day if possible. Evening skies can be great! And please don’t sketch skies from photos.
I have included pages from famous artists like Constable and Turner and Delacroix to show that they kept sketching – they didn’t get so amazing without.